Choose the Right Home
Coming home should be comforting. There is nothing like pulling up to your home and knowing you’ve made the right decision. Here’s how to set your criteria.
Think about the places you’ve lived in the past. What did you enjoy about each? Was it the view, the price, the size, the proximity to work, the appliances, the parking situation . . . Any of these things may be important in your new home.
What are your current needs? Maybe proximity to work is no longer a concern because you work from home, but now you need extra space for your work desk. Perhaps, you’d gladly give up a view if you could walk to a grocery store. Needs change. What do you need right now?
What do you anticipate for your future? Are you ready to move into your forever home? Do you want to live in your next home for a couple of years and then rent it out and buy another? We can’t predict every circumstance that may come along, but having a general idea of your plans can really help you decide whether you can live with a tiny kitchen or if you really want a big back porch.
Lots of homes will have the square footage and number of bedrooms you want. The right home will include the intangibles. Weaving in your hopes, dreams and goals is a great way to choose the right home.