Spring In Colorado

I am pictured here getting some of the best water in the world from a Colorado mountain spring! The water is so pure, it doesn’t need treatment. Don’t worry, it is tested often by the water district.

Water in Colorado is a BIG DEAL!

Here are some ways we can care for our precious resource:

  • Learn where your water comes from. You can check with your water district or look at your bill. Here in Fort Collins, our water comes from Horsetooth Reservoir and the Cache la Poudre River. Understanding this makes me more careful when enjoying the water park or going paddle boarding.

  • Make your appliances do the work. Believe it or not, a dishwasher can save a lot of water when you run it full. 15 to 30 gallons!

  • Don’t flush trash, especially medication! Take medication here: CDPHEs Colorado Household Medication Take Back Program.

  • Use your voice. Speak out to your local and state officials about how much we love our water in Colorado. Here’s a tip sheet: https://extension.colostate.edu/topic-areas/yard-garden/lawn-care-7-202/

Source and more info: Learn more here


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